
Highest in 30 Years: Lake Geneva’s Water Temperature Rises by 1.3 Degrees

By Sama Marwan,

The International Commission for the Protection of Lake Geneva (CIPEL) in Switzerland reported in its latest annual scientific report that the water temperature of Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) continues to rise, reaching unprecedented levels in 2023.

According to a statement from the commission, cited by Swiss radio station LAC, the surface water of Lake Geneva recorded an average temperature of 13.6°C, which is 1.3°C higher than the average over the past 30 years.

The report further explained that deep waters are also affected by this phenomenon, with their temperature rising by 1.1°C over the past 11 years.

The report highlighted the increasing vulnerability of Lake Geneva’s ecosystem to climate change, noting that the seasonal breeding cycles of whitefish (Coregonus) and perch are now directly linked to rising water temperatures. Additionally, the zooplankton population continues to decline.

Regarding micro-pollutants, their concentration in the lake’s waters has been decreasing thanks to joint efforts in agriculture and wastewater treatment sectors. However, plastic pollution remains a significant issue, particularly due to high concentrations of synthetic fibers.

The report emphasized that, in the face of climate change, Lake Geneva is a strategic resource, and “collaborative efforts” from all stakeholders are essential to ensure the water quality and resilience of its ecosystem.

About Lake Geneva (Lac Léman):

Lake Geneva, also known as Lac Léman, is one of Europe’s largest lakes. Around 60% of the lake is within Swiss borders, specifically in the cantons of Vaud, Valais, and Geneva, while 40% is in France, within the Haute-Savoie department.

The lake’s name dates back to Roman times, but as the city of Geneva gained fame, it became popularly known as Lake Geneva. However, the agreed-upon name in France since the 18th century remains Lac Léman.

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