Translated by Yostina Anwar
On its website, the World Health Organization announced its celebration of World Hearing Day 2023, which is celebrated on March 3 of each year. World Hearing Day 2023 will highlight the importance of integrating ear and hearing care into primary care, as an essential component. A component of universal health coverage.
And the “Global Health” continued, “Ear and hearing problems are among the most common problems in society, and more than 60% of these problems can be detected and treated at the primary care level, and it is possible to integrate ear and hearing care into primary care services through training and capacity building at this level.”
This integration will benefit people and help countries advance the goal of universal health coverage.
On this day, WHO will launch a new training manual – Training Manual on Primary Ear and Hearing Care for Health Workers and General Practitioners. A trainer’s handbook and other community resources will accompany this guide.
In this regard, the organization added, the objectives of communication are as follows:
Draw the attention of government decision-makers and civil society groups to WHO recommendations regarding the integration of ear and hearing care into primary health care.
Encourage governments to integrate primary ear and hearing care into training programs for health care providers at the primary level.