By Manal Abdel Fattah
Fayez Abdullah Al-Anazi, head of the Kuwaiti Association of Families of Prisoned and Missing Martyrs, said: Here we are, as the curtain has fallen on the presidential elections of the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt, and through them, the pledge and trust in President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi have been renewed for a third presidential term, with a very high percentage of support reaching 89% of the total number of participants. By vote.
He added: We extend, first, our sincere congratulations and congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the brotherly Egyptian people, praying to God Almighty for all success and prosperity, and that the next presidential period will be a period of new achievements in addition to the previous and current achievements that we have seen and felt during our repeated visits to our beloved Egypt and our numerous meetings with the various social and political classes. From the honorable Egyptian people, starting with the man in the street, who represents the true pulse of public opinion, and ending with the intellectual, politician, and others..
He added: Perhaps it may come to mind why we in the Middle East in general and the Arab world in particular look with interest at the developments and events taking place in Egypt at all levels and fields, the most important of which in this difficult and important period that our Arab nation and the region in general is going through are developments on the political and economic side. And development, for beloved Egypt is not like other sisterly and friendly countries in the region, as it is the pivotal country in whose orbit, around it, and close to which any political or economic movement revolves, as we mentioned, and dear Cairo of Al-Muizz, no two disagree that it is the capital of political decision-making in the region, and it cannot, under any circumstances, be completed. Any strategic political or economic project at the regional level without passing through Cairo and without a clear and visible imprint of Egyptian politics and diplomacy in it.
He continued: Since these regional decisions always and forever have a direct impact on many aspects of our lives, this is where this deserved attention comes from, even if we wanted to detail and narrate what our beloved Egypt and its glorious Cairo played in terms of national and national roles towards its Arab and Islamic nations, despite the diversity and variety of fields, and what these roles achieved. Of the results that contributed effectively to the stability and security of the region, since we were able to confine them to this narrow space, and certainly this was not possible or achieved except by the grace of God first, and then by the wisdom, farsightedness and balance distinguished by the senior political leadership in Egypt, led by a distinguished awareness of the nation’s issues and its strategic interests, and so on. Because of the abundant wealth that Egyptian politics has and a rich store of experiences for decades and years, and talk about our current era, which brought us this Egyptian political mixture that is always mixed with balance and patience, mixed with a strong personality and firmness in making decisions that serve the interests of the nation and its peoples.
In conclusion, we affirm from our website that we are optimistic that the future for this beautiful country will be better, God willing, and that the new presidential period will be more fulfilling of the aspirations and hopes of the honorable Egyptian people with the presence of wise and mature leadership, headed by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and those who will assist him and who will assume the highest governmental responsibilities in the state. The people of Egypt deserve it always and forever. The best, this good, generous, hospitable people, who represent with these good qualities all the high meanings of humanity. Congratulations to Egypt for its people, congratulations to its people under its leadership, and congratulations to us, the Arabs, for our big sister, our beloved Egypt, and its good people.
He continued: May God Almighty grant Egypt the blessing of security, safety, stability, and prosperity, and protect its people, land, and leadership from all harm.