By Manal Abdel Fattah
Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, the Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman, affirmed his appreciation to the Republic of South Africa after it submitted a request to initiate measures against Israel regarding its commission of genocide due to its war against the Palestinian resistance movement “Hamas” in Gaza.
Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili said: “I applaud South Africa for submitting a lawsuit against the Zionist entity to the International Court of Justice for its crimes against humanity, which it has been committing for more than eighty days,” continuing: We hope that peace-loving countries will strengthen their support and participate in this step.
He added: The Palestinian issue is not specific to one people or another.
Every Muslim owes the right to jihad for it.
He continued that whoever participates in this in everything that serves the cause will be rewarded, and whoever has the most jihad and the greatest calamity is more deserving of gratitude and deserving of appreciation.
On Friday, the International Court of Justice said, in a statement, that South Africa had submitted a request to initiate proceedings against Israel for committing genocide due to its war against the Palestinian resistance movement “Hamas” in Gaza.
The court added that, in its request, South Africa accuses Israel of “violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention, and that Israel’s actions and omissions bear the character of genocide because they are accompanied by the specific intent required to destroy the Palestinians in Gaza as part of the broader national, racial and ethnic group, that is, the Palestinians.”