The Outer

The General Secretariat of the Arab League holds the twelfth meeting of the Technical Committee for Intellectual Property

By Manal Abdel Fattah

The Intellectual Property and Competitiveness Unit will hold the twelfth meeting of the Technical Committee for Intellectual Property, during the period 1/31-2/1/2024 at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

The meeting will discuss the recommendations of the eleventh meeting of the Technical Committee for Intellectual Property, and follow up on the recommendations for implementing the recommendations of the subcommittees (the Subcommittee on Industrial Property and the Subcommittee on Copyright and Related Rights) and the progress achieved in the work of those committees, in addition to addressing the initiative presented by the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property to provide Technical support to intellectual property offices in Arab countries in the field of training and infrastructure development.

It also discusses the initiative of the Algerian Institute for Industrial Property to issue an electronic application to inventory statistics and indicators

specific to the reality of industrial property in Arab countries, in addition to the challenges facing the reality of copyright and related rights in Arab countries.

The Minister Plenipotentiary, Dr. Maha Bakhit, Director of the Intellectual Property and Competitiveness Department at the League of Arab States, said that the Technical Committee for Intellectual Property consists of government officials from the intellectual property offices in the Arab countries (industrial property offices and copyright and related rights offices), and it is the committee responsible for setting rules for cooperation between Arab countries in the field of protecting property rights. Intellectual property, enhancing Arab awareness regarding intellectual property issues, and encouraging innovation.

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