Translated by Ayaa shabeb
The Afro-League club was bid farewell to the South African champions Sun Downs, after two games in which Al-Ahli was the underdog, but the loss not only stopped at the limit of the technical and moral loss, but extended the financial aspect.
Prior to the tournament “Khaled Murtaji”treasurer of Al Ahliyya Club, explicitly stated that the aim of participation in the tournament is primarily economic, and explained that the club is unable to provide dollar liquidity to pay the wages of the coaching staff on the one hand, and professional players on the other.
Al Ahli aimed to reap $4 million from this tournament, but it only stopped at $1.7 million after exiting the Golden Square, making the struggle for the largest figure that was targeted by “Al Ahli” in the final battle between the Sun Downs and Moroccan Wadad.
This huge economic loss came to join its predecessors a few weeks ago against the Algerian capital union when Al Ahly exceeded half a million dollars and only 200,000 dollars rewarded the runner-up in the African super, increasing the size of the losses to 2.6 million dollars.
Calculating the significant losses suffered recently, we can add Anthony Modest’s salary of $1 million, especially after everyone has agreed that it will not be valid, starting with administration officials, an audience and media, and all former members of the community who have publicly stated it.
About $4 million in approximately Pound200 million lost in a very short period by the “Swiss Marcel Koller”,is there any question?