
In coordination with the Egyptian Red Crescent.. The Shari ‘a Association sends 166 tons of medicines, medical supplies and food to the Palestinian people

Translated by Ayaa shabeb

Today, the second relief convoy of the main legitimate association entered through the Rafah border crossing on its way to the Gaza Strip through the Karam Abu Salem crossing, in coordination with the Egyptian Red Crescent. The Secretary-General of the Shari ‘a Association, Mustafa Ismail, stated that the convoy was consistent with the attitude of the Egyptian government and people towards the brothers in Palestine, sensing from the Association its national, religious and humanitarian duty and to alleviate the plight they have been experiencing for nearly a month. He added that the convoy has a strength of 9 trucks loaded with humanitarian and relief assistance, totalling Pound6.4 million, and weighs 166 tons.


Assistance includes the following:

45 tons medicines and medical supplies
140 thousand bottles of water
3500 quilts
14tons of various foodstuffs.

The convoy is the second of its kind to be sent to Gaza by the Association, after having been sent immediately after the admission of the aid, a first relief convoy carrying 212 tons of food items, costing 3 million pounds and 800,000 pounds.

The convoy included 8 trucks carrying 180 tons of flour, two trucks carrying 32 tons – 2000 water cartons (40 thousand bottles) and instant food items (Jebba, Nabi, Halawa Tahina, etc.).

Gaza Strip
Gaza Strip

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