Translated by Ayah shabeb
The archaeological mission of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University of Prague, during its work in the area of Archaeology of “Abu Sir” in Giza, revealed the cemetery of the royal writer “Jehuti M. Hat”,which dates back to the middle of the first millennium BC. This part of “Jibba Abu Sair” includes graves of senior officials and military commanders from the 26th and 27th families, and is of great importance to the scholars of ancient Egyptian society during this era.the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Antiquities Dr. “Mustafa Waziri” said in a statement just ago “This revelation is of great importance and the cemetery is due to the fact that the character of this royal writer “Jeoty MH”, who lived during the twenty-seventh family period of ancient Egyptian history Not known before, adding that this new discovery In addition to previous discoveries at the Abu Sair site, including the military commander’s cemetery “Wah Ipr Ra”, which was unveiled last year by the Czech Mission, It will shed more light on the historical changes that occurred in Egypt during turbulent times in the 6th and 5th centuries BC”
Dr. Marslav Barta, Director of the Czech Mission, explained that the cemetery was constructed as a well ending with a burial chamber and that although the top of the cemetery was not found intact, However, the burial chamber contains many rich hieroglyphs and scripts and indicating that the burial chamber can be reached by a small horizontal corridor beneath the well about 3 metres long. Surprisingly, the well leading to the cemetery found inside it many of the remains of views that were part of the views of the nearby cemetery constructed by a military commander during that time and which were claimed as “Ep Nikau’s brain,” adding: The burial chamber of Jehuti M. Hat is rich in texts and views, where the north wall (entrance) has a long series of religious texts against snake bites and quoted from pyramid texts. The south and west walls were also engraved with views of two ritual offerings and a large list of offerings, while the roof
The Deputy Director of the Czech Mission, Dr. Mohamed Mujahid, indicated that the Mission had found in the burial room the deceased’s coffin, which was made of stone and adorned with hieroglyphs and photographs of the gods from outside and inside. The upper side of the coffin cover and longer sides of the coffin were decorated with various texts of the book of the dead, including images of the gods protecting the deceased. The shorter aspects of the cover bear images of the gods “Isis and Naftis”, accompanied by protection texts for the deceased.
The outer aspects of the coffins are adorned with extracts of coffins’ and pyramids’ texts, a partial repetition of the spells that have already appeared on the walls of the burial chamber. At the bottom of the inner wall of the coffin was depicted the goddess “Iment”, the goddess of the West, and the internal aspects contain so-called Canopian spells, followed by this goddess and the god of the earth “Jibb”. All these religious and magical texts were intended to ensure the deceased’s smooth entry into eternal life.
Dr. Muhammad Mujahid noted that no funeral was found inside the cemetery of “Jehuti M. Hat”, where the cemetery was robbed perhaps as early as the 5th century AD. Anthropological studies of the remains of the graveyard’s skeleton showed that “Jehuti MH” died at a relatively young age where he was likely to have died at the age of 25. His mummy had signs that he was suffering from certain diseases because of his function, such as spinal erosion due to working sitting for long periods. And he was very fragile in the bones, and that injury probably confirms that MHAT was related to him and the owners of nearby cemeteries. They were also confirmed to have the same disease, for example the famous priest Iof Aa.