
Sherif Samir writes to “Al-Mawq3” After Sugar … Expect the Medicine

Translated by Ingy Ashraf,

In these days, there is no talk but about sugar, between the actual price of 27 LE per kilo, and the black market price of 55 LE. We’re all living like insects crawling along the wall in silence and stillness, eating sugar, just like the famous movie “The Ant’s Scream” promoted.

If we approach the situation with a mixture of rage and sarcasm, hoping for a just government response or hoping for merciful divine relief. Then situation with medicine prices and their astonishing growth in a mad manner by the fingers of “death dealers” is a wicked phenomena that should not be muted and subjected to its expansion threatening the lives of millions of oppressed patients.

In the midst of the fog of the markets, the price of medicine has quadrupled, exposing merchant scenarios and shady companies operations in order to profit and exploit the urgent need for the injection of rescue and safety tablets in order to harvest the forbidden wealth from the nerves and bodies of the simple and poor people who are stacked up on waiting lists and are bedridden by disease, incapacity, and a lack of resourcefulness!!

In this red zone, a formal decree and a strict legal procedure are a must. There is no objection to strengthening the criminal penalty to the point of execution for those who steadily and with cold blue blood that knows neither pity nor fear of God murder the Egyptian family and their families. Where are you from, health leaders and angels of food and medication control bodies, from this mafia that competes with the “sugar emperors”?!

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